Lakewood Spinal Cord Injury Attorney - Front Range Injury Attorneys – Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

Lakewood Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Spinal cord injuries can lead to significant complications and high medical costs. Our Lakewood spinal cord injury attorney can help you get compensation for your case. Spinal cord injuries are challenging injuries for their victims. Often there are long term consequences for victims both economic and non-economic. If you sustained a spine injury in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, seek legal counsel immediately. At Front Range Injury Attorneys, we will work to secure the compensation you deserve for your injuries and related expenses. Call our office to speak with a Lakewood spinal cord injury attorney.

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    Why is Front Range Injury Attorneys the best choice?

    At Front Range Injury Attorneys we care about helping our clients throughout their cases. We believe clients are best served when our Lakewood spinal cord injury attorneys participate in their cases from start to finish. We help our clients get the best treatment for their injuries. By building up your case from the beginning, we build a strong case to get the best results.

    No Fee Unless You Win

    Our law firm represents clients on a contingency fee basis. That means you don't pay us until we recover on your case.

    Expertise with brain injury claims

    Our Lakewood spinal cord injury attorneys understand your injuries and how to tell your story to the insurance company or a jury. We get proven results with a 98% success rate.

    Communication is important to us

    We maintain communication with you through your case. We want you to know what's going on with your case and the work we're doing for you.

    What is a spinal cord injury?

    The spine, which has 33 vertebrae (bones), intricate bundles of nerves, and soft, jelly-like disks that cushion each vertebra, is an important portion of the body. Any region of the spinal cord that is injured in an accident may suffer pain, including chronic pain, loss of range of motion, and disability. Many sorts of damage to the spinal column, such as fractures, concussions, dislocations, soft-tissue damage, strains, sprains, disk herniation, and nerve damage, can all be referred to as spinal cord injuries.

    Depending on how severely the damage was done, a spinal cord injury may result in either short-term or long-term effects. An incomplete spinal cord damage only partially impairs the message system, but a complete spinal cord injury completely shuts off the connection between the body and the brain. All spinal cord injuries are severe and need to be treated by a qualified medical expert.

    How can a spinal cord injury lawyer help me?

    As someone who has been identified as having a spinal cord injury following an avoidable accident, you most likely have many inquiries. You might be wondering who is legally and financially liable for your permanently altering injury, as well as what actions you should follow to obtain the just reimbursement. These inquiries can be addressed by a spinal cord injury attorney in Lakewood, who can also help you navigate the legal system. Several activities that are essential to your case can be handled by an attorney, including:

    • Thoroughly investigating the accident or incident that resulted in your injury
    • Setting you up with highly qualified spinal cord injury specialists in Lakewood
    • Collecting evidence to support your spine injury claim
    • Giving you legal advice you can trust throughout your case
    • Negotiating your medical bills and helping you find affordable care
    • Hiring qualified experts to testify about your injuries
    • Negotiating with insurance companies for full and fair compensation
    • Taking your spinal cord injury case to trial

    You will be able to concentrate on getting better while a lawyer handles your case. Your attorney can handle the legal aspects of the case, freeing you up to focus on getting better, moving forward, and spending time with your loved ones. With a spinal cord injury lawyer on your side, you might feel more at ease about your case and the future. Front Range Injury Attorneys offers a free initial case consultation so that you can learn more about your legal choices, rights, and how we can assist you without incurring any fees or obligations.

    How long do I have to file a claim?

    A statute of limitations in Colorado establishes a timeframe for a claimant to submit a personal injury case. Colorado Revised Code Section 13-80-101 states that the statute of limitations is typically two years from the date of the accident. Nonetheless, there is a three-year filing window if the spinal cord injury resulted from a car collision.

    The discovery rule is a general exception to the statute of limitations. According to the discovery rule, the clock will begin to run if the plaintiff discovered or reasonably should have discovered the injury before the accident date, even if the spinal cord injury was not immediately apparent. Additional exceptions include shorter deadlines for claims made against the government and extensions for injured minors (two or three years from their 18th birthdays) (180 days).

    There are statutes of limitations in place to limit personal injury claims to those made by the plaintiff and defendant alone. Without a filing date, a plaintiff could theoretically continue to threaten legal action against a defendant. According to the courts, this is unfair to the defendant. Responding quickly is crucial for gathering evidence. Several sorts of evidence, including eyewitness testimony, get weaker the longer it takes after an accident.

    If you or a loved one was involved in an accident in Lakewood and sustained a spinal cord injury, it’s crucial not to wait to obtain legal counsel. We encourage you to book an initial consultation with Front Range Injury Attorneys since it is cost-free and will help you learn more about your legal rights and options as an accident victim in Colorado as soon as possible. The sooner you speak with one of our spinal injury attorneys, the better for your case and objectives.

    Types of spinal injuries

    One of the most complicated body parts is the spinal cord. It is split into four separate areas. Since an injury will affect the victim from the point of harm down, the higher up on the spine it happens, the harsher the ramifications will be for the person. Spinal cord injuries come in a wide variety and can all have detrimental or life-altering implications. These include:

    • Lumbar spine injury (lower spinal cord)
    • Thoracic spine injury (middle spinal cord)
    • Cervical spine injury (upper spinal cord)
    • Sacrum or coccyx injury (lower part of the spinal column)
    • Spinal concussion
    • Hyperextension or compression
    • Fractured spine or vertebrae
    • Dislocated spine
    • Severed spine
    • Crushed spinal cord
    • Damage to the nerves or nerve roots surrounding the spine
    • Paralysis (paraplegia, quadriplegia)

    Each kind of spinal cord damage is severe, and it should be handled as such. Even a little injury may have an impact on how a victim moves, walks, and perceives their surroundings. For a victim of a spinal cord injury, receiving immediate medical attention is essential to minimize their suffering.

    Symptoms of a spinal cord injury

    Patients with spinal cord injuries experience distinct symptoms. Others may not notice back or spine injuries for hours or even days after the event, while some accident victims feel pain or other damage signs right away. One spinal cord injury symptom may be present or numerous symptoms may be present at once. The following are a few of the most typical conditions linked to spine injuries:

    • Numbness or tingling around the spine or in extremities
    • Pain, intense stinging or stabbing sensations
    • Weakness or loss of control
    • Altered sensations
    • Muscle spasms or exaggerated reflexes
    • Pressure in neck or back
    • Difficulty balancing or loss of coordination
    • Trouble breathing
    • Loss of bowel or bladder function
    • Loss of ability to control movement

    After an accident, you should seek medical attention right away if you or a loved one exhibits any potential symptoms of a spinal cord damage. A doctor must first carefully consider the patient’s symptoms and complaints before making a spinal cord injury diagnosis. The doctor will then employ diagnostic procedures, such as an MRI, to determine whether a spine damage has occurred.

    Causes of spinal cord injuries

    Many avoidable accidents result in thousands of spinal cord injuries each year. Someone else’s carelessness, recklessness, or willful intent to damage can result in catastrophic spine injuries, giving the victim cause to bring a personal injury claim in Colorado. In Lakewood, the following accidents frequently result in spinal cord injury claims:

    You might be entitled to financial compensation from the party responsible for the occurrence if you or a loved one received a spinal cord injury as a result of one of these accidents in Colorado. This party may be an employer, a negligent property owner, a careless driver, or a group of parties.

    Recoverable damages for a spinal cord injury

    The victim and his or her family may be awarded damages, or monetary compensation, as a result of a successful spinal cord injury case in Colorado. A spinal cord injury survivor is entitled under state law to compensation for a number of current and future losses, including:

    • Emergency care cost including ambulance and emergency room
    • Past medical bills for treatment and evaluation
    • Ongoing and future medical expenses
    • Medication, medical devices and home modifications
    • Disability accommodations
    • Diminished quality of life
    • Pain and suffering
    • Loss of past income or wages
    • Lost capacity to earn in the future
    • Loss of consortium
    • Possible punitive damages

    The severity of the victim’s injury, the likelihood of recovery, the expense of required medical care, the insurance coverage offered, and other circumstances will all affect the value of a spinal cord injury claim.

    What should I do after suffering an injury to the spine?

    It is crucial to limit your movement as much as you can if you experience any pain, strange feelings, or other potential indicators of a spinal cord damage as a result of an occurrence in Lakewood. Exacerbations of spinal cord injuries are common. If you move or twist your back improperly after suffering a small spine injury, this could exacerbate the damage and result in a more serious injury, such as permanent paralysis. Limit your bodily movements and try to maintain your composure.

    Calling for assistance should be your next move. To request an ambulance to come to your location, dial 911. Instead of attempting to stand up, drive, or having a friend take you to the hospital, call for paramedics to come to you. To keep your head, neck, and back immobile as soon as the paramedics arrive, they will stabilize your spine using a cervical collar or brace. You may be shielded from additional harm as a result.

    When you get to the hospital, a physician will identify a spinal cord injury using various techniques, including medical imaging. To limit the harm and lower the risk of complications, the initial course of medical care may include surgery or drugs. Therapy and rehabilitation are the second step of treating spinal cord injuries, and throughout the first year, frequent medical visits are common. Up to 18 months after the damage, a patient with a spinal cord injury may regain some bodily function. Patients have occasionally regained function years afterwards.

    As closely as you can, adhere to your doctor’s treatment plan and suggestions. This will aid in your recovery and demonstrate to an insurance provider that you made every effort to limit your injuries. This is crucial as you progress through the Lakewood, Colorado spinal cord injury claims procedure since an insurance company will hunt for excuses to reject your claim. Get in touch with our Lakewood personal injury lawyer as soon as you’re prepared to pursue financial compensation.

    Spinal cord injury statistics

    In the United States, around 17,900 new spinal cord injuries are identified each year. There are around 54 spinal cord injuries per million persons each year. There are currently between 294,000 and 368,000 Americans who are living with spinal cord injury. The average patient is 43 years old at the time of diagnosis.

    Males make up the great majority of spinal cord injury victims (78 percent). The two leading causes of spine injuries are falls and motor vehicle accidents. Complete paraplegia is the second most frequent diagnosis behind incomplete tetraplegia (47.3%). (19.9 percent). Depending on the type of diagnosis and the patient’s age at the time of the injury, the average lifetime cost of a spinal cord injury can range from about $1.2 million to $5.2 million. From these statistics, it is clear spinal cord injuries occur at an alarming rate with significant consequences.

    Contact our Lakewood spinal cord injury lawyers today

    Find out how our Lakewood spinal injury lawyers may assist if you or someone you know has just received a diagnosis of a spinal cord injury following an accident in Lakewood, Colorado. On your behalf, we can offer individualized legal services and bargain for the highest possible monetary settlement. Although though pursuing legal action won’t heal a spinal cord injury, it can give you the information, justice, closure, and financial relief you need to move ahead.

    Discuss the value of your spinal cord injury claim with an attorney in a free consultation. Use our online form to get in touch with Front Range Injury Attorneys right away.

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