< Spring driving tips in Denver, Colorado

Spring driving tips

As winter comes to a close, spring brings along a new set of driving challenges. With the changing weather conditions and the melting snow and ice, it’s important to be prepared and stay safe on the road. Although we are in the business of helping clients after they suffer injuries in a car accident, we want to help people avoid getting in an auto collision in the first place.

Denver car accident lawyer

Check your tires

One of the most important things to do as you transition from winter to spring driving is to check your tires. Winter driving can be tough on your tires, and the cold weather can cause them to lose pressure, which can affect your handling and performance. Make sure your tires are properly inflated and have good tread. If your tires are worn or damaged, consider replacing them before the spring season.

Be prepared for wet roads

Springtime often brings rain, which can create slick and slippery driving conditions. Make sure your windshield wipers are in good condition and that your brakes are functioning properly. Reduce your speed and increase your following distance to give yourself more time to react to unexpected situations. If you do find yourself hydroplaning on wet roads, remain calm and try to steer in the direction you want to go. Avoid sudden movements, and don’t slam on the brakes.

Be aware of potholes

As snow and ice melt, they can reveal potholes in the road. Potholes can be hazardous to your car and can cause damage to your tires, alignment, and suspension. Be on the lookout for potholes and try to avoid them when possible. If you can’t avoid a pothole, slow down before hitting it to reduce the impact.

Check your headlights

The days are getting longer, but you may still find yourself driving in the dark. Make sure your headlights are working properly and are aimed correctly. Clean your headlights and taillights regularly, and replace any burnt-out bulbs. If you’re having trouble seeing the road at night, consider getting your eyes checked by an optometrist.

Be prepared for wildlife

Spring is mating season for many animals, and they may be more active and visible on the roads. Be aware of the signs that indicate the presence of wildlife, such as crossing signs or animal tracks. Reduce your speed, and be prepared to stop if necessary. If you do encounter wildlife on the road, try to avoid swerving and instead, brake firmly and stay in your lane.

Be prepared for sun glare

As the days get longer, you may find yourself driving directly into the sun during your morning or evening commute. Sun glare can be distracting and make it difficult to see the road ahead. Keep a pair of sunglasses in your car, and use your sun visor to block the sun as much as possible. Reduce your speed and increase your following distance, and avoid looking directly into the sun.

Check your car’s fluids

Winter driving can be tough on your car’s fluids, so it’s important to check them as you transition to spring driving. Check your oil, coolant, and brake fluid levels, and top them off as needed. Consider getting an oil change and a tune-up to make sure your car is running smoothly.

Be aware of cyclists and pedestrians

Springtime brings more people out and about, including cyclists and pedestrians. Be aware of your surroundings, and watch out for cyclists and pedestrians on the road. Give them plenty of space, and slow down when passing them. Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, and be extra cautious when driving near schools, playgrounds, and parks.

Stay focused and alert

Finally, it’s important to stay focused and alert while driving. Avoid distractions like texting, eating, or adjusting the radio while driving. Keep both hands on the wheel, and keep your eyes on the road at all times. Be aware of your own limitations, and if you feel tired or fatigued, take a break and rest before getting back on the road.

Drive safely in Colorado

In conclusion, spring driving can present its own set of challenges, but by following these tips, you can stay safe and enjoy the season. Remember to check your tires, be prepared for wet roads, and watch out for potholes. Check your headlights, be prepared for wildlife, and be aware of sun glare. Check your car’s fluids, watch out for cyclists and pedestrians, and stay focused and alert while driving. By taking these precautions, you can reduce your risk of accidents and make the most of your springtime drives. If you find yourself in a collision caused by someone else’s negligence, contact our Denver car accident attorneys for a free consultation.

Colorado Car Accident Lawyers

If you suffered injuries in an auto accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages and other damages. Our experienced Colorado car accident lawyers help clients across the state pursue full and fair compensation for their accident-related injuries and financial losses. We help clients in Colorado with a wide range of motor vehicle collisions involving different types of vehicles, crashes and severity of impacts. Contact our law firm to discuss:

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No matter the type of auto accident or location in Colorado, our law firm is ready to talk to you about your case. Front Range Injury Attorneys offers free consultations for car crash cases so you can speak with our experienced personal injury lawyers at no cost and no obligation.

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